The Smokehouse

by Traveler's Pics
The Smokehouse
Traveler's Pics
Photograph - Photograph
Inside a rustic wooden smokehouse (alternatively spelled smoakhouse) at Lexington Historic Museum in Lexington, South Carolina.
Meats have been smoked since mid-evil times; however, the first use of the term "smokehouse" appeared in the Virginia Gazette on January 7, 1742, when a Hanover County plantation listed one for sale in the Virginia Gazette.
The meat, most commonly pig, was heavily salted and smoked as a way to preserve the food so it would last through winter. Alternatively, the meat could also be stored within the smokehouse where it would be safe from vermin or thieves. During the hotter parts of summer, the meat would be eaten the day of slaughter, then promptly shared with friends, neighbors, or slaves before it spoiled. The meat would also be smoked traditionally for celebrations.
August 22nd, 2014